Sing His praises
Slok Mahla 1
Whenever a person is in pain or is unhappy, he prays and
seeks shelter of Almighty and this becomes a medicine for him. On the contrary when he is happily placed,
even the thought of Almighty eludes him.
He is continuously engaged in sensual and other worldly pleasures. This results into ailments and the person
loses his enjoyments.
(becomes) medicine (for ailments,
enjoyment becomes,
(cause of) suffering,
(because) when (in) enjoyments,
then (one) doesn’t (feel) need (of Almighty).
Almighty is the prime mover of this creation. All credit must therefore, be passed on to
him. Also all happenings must be happily
accepted as His ordain:
(O Almighty), You, not me, (are the) Creator creating (everything),
If (I appropriate anything to) my doing, (then it) doesn’t behove (me). ll 1 ll
One must live his life in total subjugation to Almighty:
sacrifice (myself on You,
Omnipresent (in whole) nature.
The Almighty is All-pervasive and for human beings it is impossible to estimate the totality of his expansion.
be visualised. ll 1 ll Pause ll
This is the easiest way to overcome
I’ness which is stated to be the greatest obstacle on the path of spirituality.
This entire creation is the manifestation of Almighty
contains (Your) light,
in (that) light (is) apparent,
presence) filled (to the) brim.
He must therefore, always be praised for all the bounties
provided by Him:
You (are the) True Lord, whoever sings,
(Your) beauteous praises, that (person) obtains salvation.
needs to live his life in reverence to Almighty. All His actions must not only be accepted
happily but also praised:
Nanak says, narrate (to me, the) Creator’s praises,
Who continuously does, whatever (is) worth doing. ll 2 ll
This is a function that would bring and
retain an element of bliss in the mental disposition of a person.